Church planting 101

Friends, whether you’ve been a Christian 5 minutes or 50 years, keep going, keep pressing on toward Christ, stay true to the Lord. When the temptation to give in is there, keep going. Keep persevering. Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. Follow him, live for him, pursue him, stay true to him and his calling on your life to love and serve him with all your heart.

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Great expectations

If we believe in Jesus Christ as our saviour who took the punishment for our wrongdoing and sin, we know, we can be certain that we will be saved from perishing from judgement. And so if you’re here and you aren’t a believer in the Lord Jesus, those are your options lying before you. Ignore Jesus, reject Jesus and you will experience eternal judgement for your sins. Accept Jesus, embrace Jesus and you will be saved.

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Who is the true God?

Whether it’s ourselves and our own identity that we give pride of place; our family, our possessions or our experiences. We turn to these things all the time, inside and outside of the church, Christian or non-Christian. But, when these things take the place of God, they will ultimately fail us. But God will never fail us.

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