God’s gracious provision

We need to have faith in the Lord; He loves providing for us in unexpected ways. We can look back and see how God has delivered parcels of grace at desperate points of our lives. And we can be certain that if the Lord still has work for us to do, then he will continue to preserve us and keep us, until such a time as he takes us to glory.

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Prayer focus

We can only marvel at the dimensions of God’s love. It is so broad that it encompasses men and women, rich and poor, and all the nationalities of the world. It is so long that it is a love which predates the existence of the earth, and will go on, unbroken, into eternity. It is so high, that it will take us up to Heaven one day. And it is so deep that Jesus was willing to stoop down and come into this earth to save the worst of sinners like us.

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At home, at work and in church, take your impossible situations and bring them to God in prayer, knowing that he loves to display his glory in our lives.
We don’t face troubles on our own. ‘The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.’ (Exodus 14:14)

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Rising from the depths…

Are you ashamed of things you have done in your life? Are you ashamed of squeezing God out of your life and living apart from him? There is hope for you. God’s grace is greater than all our sins. Why not come to him in prayer right now, in the quietness of your own hearts, and confess your sin, and wait for the dawn to break, which it surely will.

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The grace and mercy of God

‘Your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’   Wouldn’t you like to hear those words from God today? You can! It is possible right now to experience it if we admit our guilt and cry out to God to clean us.

We are broken by sin, but renewed by the atoning work of God, and commissioned with the Great Commission, to tell everyone that we have good news for them.

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Meeting Jesus…

Jesus loves to strengthen the weak. He walks with them and using the Bible, fortifies their faith. If you’re going through times of distress then know this, Jesus himself will meet with us, not in the pages of an ordinary book, but in the living and powerful Word of God. That’s where we meet Jesus. That’s where we will find what we need, whether we realise it or not.

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