Abba, Father!

When, as Christians, we go through times of deep despair, depression, loneliness, pain or suffering, we instinctively just cry out ‘Father’. This cry is itself a sign that we are sons of the living God. In our times of great need, the Spirit ministers to us and enables us to cry out ‘Abba, Father’.

When we do, this is the hallmark of a believer. This is the cry of the child of God.

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An anchor and a rudder

People often think their main problem is unhappiness. God knows our deepest problem isn’t unhappiness but unrighteousness and powerlessness. So, in his kindness, he provides us with a Saviour and his Spirit. He provides us with exactly what we need. And this leads to our eternal happiness, and more importantly, the glory of God: ‘… the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us.’   (Romans 8:4)
How good our God is.

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The purposes of God’s law

Sin is a terrible master every single time not least because it always pays us fair wages. The thing is, the wages of sin is death (verse 23). And this is what we deserve by refusing to yield to Christ. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a wonderful alternative. Those who are slaves to Christ and to righteousness are not given wages. Instead, we are given a free gift, and that gift is eternal life.

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A new identity

As Christians we are ‘dead to sin’ so let’s weed out sin in our lives. Since now in Christ we are ‘alive to God’ the natural thing for us to do is to give the whole of ourselves to God in service. Don’t withhold anything from him. Serve him in your work and in your family and in your community. Yield your mind and your heart and your will to him.

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Past, present and future…

There are many blessings of justification: we have peace with God, we stand each day in his generous grace, and we have something quite awesome to look forward to, the display of God’s glory in the earth, in us, and in Christ.

You don’t want to miss out on these things. Why not come to Jesus in prayer, admitting your need of forgiveness, and placing your confidence in Jesus and his work? You will never regret doing so.

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