Vision Statement 2024-2029

Vision Statement

The Kirk Session met before Christmas to plan ahead for the years 2024-29. We drew up this Vision Statement as a way to ensure we continue as a healthy Gospel church.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be spending time on each part of this statement. A series of short videos will be posted to encourage us all to engage with our stated aims.

Sunday Sermon

John Johnstone
21st April, 2024

Real power and true change

Life is full of hard mysteries, but we can trust that God knows what he is doing. And when you see circumstances which look bleak, instinctively get on your knees and pray with faith and fervour. This is where true change comes from.

Introducing Andrew

Andrew has been joining us in church during the last 6 months and it's been great to get to know him. He and John sat down together and Andrew shared his life experiences and spoke about God's great goodness and how He has worked in his heart and in his life.

What’s on

There's always something go on at Kirkcaldy Free Church. Do please join us when you can.

Sunday worship
Sunday worship

Morning worship at 11:00 am
Evening worship at 5:30 pm

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Prayer meeting
Prayer meeting

Wednesday 7:30 pm
On Zoom or in person at church

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