The Kirk Session met before Christmas to plan ahead for the years 2024-29 and drew up this Vision Statement as a way to ensure we continue as a healthy Gospel church.
Kirkcaldy Free Church Vision Statement
1. To train and develop church leaders for the future, for the Deacons’ Court, Kirk Session and preaching. Video 1
2. To help establish a new church in Leven through prayer, finance, and other support. Video 2
3. To equip and encouraging members in personal evangelism. Video 3
4. To equip and encouraging members in personal evangelism.To stay close to God, and be faithful in prayer, both in our homes and also at the prayer meeting. Video 4
5. To prayerfully seek to identify the spiritual gifts we have and use them in the church for the benefit of the church family. Video 5
6. To be intentional as a Church family with our finances, giving sacrificially to our local church, and to other gospel work worldwide.
7. To grow closer as a loving church family, through mutual support and practical care.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be spending time on each part of this statement. A series of short videos will be posted to encourage us all to engage with our stated aims. You can click on each highlighted section to watch the associated video as it becomes available.