Just as Abraham was justified in God’s sight by believing God, rather than by stacking up credits by our feeble efforts at obeying God’s Law, we can be justified by believing that we are justified in God’s sight in exactly the same way – by faith in the Gospel!
Author: Alistair Donald
Spiritual gifts (5)
How much we give to the work of the Lord is a useful indicator of how much we value what the Lord has done for us. Generous giving will, in turn, result in thanksgiving to God.
The woman, the child and the dragon
Sermon: Sunday, 28 January, 2024 Speaker: Alistair Donald Scripture: Revelation 12 Have you ever asked yourself why it’s sometimes so hard to live a consistent
A healthy church
God uses fallible humans to establish contacts with those outside the church. It’s not always easy but if we each take on board what it means to be a learning church, a loving church and a worshipping and praying church, then it will become a little less hard.
Powerful Preaching at Pentecost
When we repent and are baptised in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off.
What’s so amazing about grace?
God’s grace is absolutely amazing. If you know this then recommend it to others. But if this is a new to you, then don’t let the moment pass. God’s amazing grace is for you. Believe in your heart, and you too can be freed from the terrible disease of sin. And Jesus will come into your life to help you to change and to become more like him.