God himself has called us to the ultimate goal; eternal fellowship with him in glory. This means he’s determined that we shall reach our destination. If God calls us to this race, and he does, you can be sure that he will provide all the grace we need to run, and we will finish.
Category: Sermons
For or against?
Jesus claimed to be the way, the truth and the life. This is an exclusive claim. But it forces us to ask ourselves today, are we for Jesus or against him? Do we love him, or deep down, do we resent his claim over our lives? The Christmas story divides us. On which side do you land? It’s a matter of eternal life or death.
Be wise…
If you refuse God’s greatest gift what are you refusing? You are refuging his forgiveness, grace, peace, love and eternal life. Instead, be like the wise men. Worship the true King.
What’s in a name?
The name Jesus means ‘the LORD saves’. When we pray to Jesus asking him to forgive us, he does just that; He forgives us and we become friends with God. And at this point he comes into our lives and never leaves us. He is Immanuel – God with us both in this life and in the life to come.
In our place…
Jesus has saved us: and there is nothing we can add to this. He did it all. He paid it all. If you rest on what Jesus did on the cross – paying off our moral debt of sin – God sees us as his forgiven and clean children.
Who is your King?
Who is your king? Who do you serve? Don’t be like the soldiers who mock the true king. Do not be like the religious leaders, who care more about self-interest than about the allegiance the true king deserves.
Living hope in the face of death
Jesus will come like a thief in the night; we don’t know when it’s going to happen. Put your hope in him now, seek him now, and be found in him so that when he comes again, you will not be separated from him in eternal darkness but you will be with him in eternal light.
A ransom for many
Sermon: Sunday, 14th July, 2024 Speaker: John Johnstone Scripture: Mark 10:45 What is Christianity all about? What is the message of Jesus in a nutshell?
Motives matter
When it comes to being a follower of Jesus, our motives matter. God is not just concerned with what we do with our time and resources; he is also concerned with why we do what we do. In other words, God is concerned with the workings of our hearts. May we be constrained by Christ love for us and a holy healthy fear of God.
Amazing grace
Think for a moment about all the wrong you have done in your life. Is this good news? Can you say God has forgiven you? Do you trust in the death of Jesus?
Then understand this: God removes our sins as far as east is from the west, he puts them behind his back, he hurls them into the depths of the sea, he wipes them out, he remembers them no more. This is his amazing grace.