True freedom is not what we may think; it’s not found in doing what we want to do. True freedom is better than we think because the Spirit of God enables new life and eternal hope, he enables great change in our life and, though at times we fail, he walks with us.
Author: Geoff Murray
The way of faith
Friends, the way of faith is the only way. And in that it does a number of key things:
• It leads to our boasting and pride being squashed.
• It leads us to radically God-centred lives
• It leads us to the path of great blessing, of sins forgiven, of conscience cleansed, of restored fellowship with our God.
The power of the Gospel
What makes the gospel powerful for all who believe? It drives us to the lowest place as it reveals a righteousness we don’t have and then it lifts us to the glorious heights of God providing it for us on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ. Place your faith in him and in him receive the righteousness that is by faith.
Living hope in the face of death
Jesus will come like a thief in the night; we don’t know when it’s going to happen. Put your hope in him now, seek him now, and be found in him so that when he comes again, you will not be separated from him in eternal darkness but you will be with him in eternal light.
Spiritual gifts (3)
Is God at the centre of your serving? Is he at the heart of your hospitality? Is he at the heart of administration? Is he at the heart of anything you do in the church? Serve in the strength he provides so that he may get the glory through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
Church planting 101
Friends, whether you’ve been a Christian 5 minutes or 50 years, keep going, keep pressing on toward Christ, stay true to the Lord. When the temptation to give in is there, keep going. Keep persevering. Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. Follow him, live for him, pursue him, stay true to him and his calling on your life to love and serve him with all your heart.
Doing good to all
So, as we do good to the glory of God, always be ready to give a reason for the hope you have that many might not simply have their lives improved, but their eternity secure.
Personal evangelism
There’s an evangelistic imperative to go and tell, to proclaim the beauty and glory of Jesus in the gospel. The fact is, that for your family member, neighbour, colleague, friend, you might be the only Christian in their life. How might God use you as a witness in their life to point them to Jesus by how you live your life?
Wisdom versus desperation
Don’t shrink back from the opportunity to speak up for Jesus. You might fear, you might worry about yourself and your wisdom or lack of it, you may worry about what will people say, think or do. We have been called to speak the truth in all wisdom and love, let that be our task and let’s leave the rest up to God.
Singing about what God has done
May your song this Christmas not be based on what you have done, but on what God has done. Not simply on the festive spirit but on the joy of knowing sins forgiven and friendship with God.