Sometimes we watch the news and it is so depressing. Or we get discouraged praying for situations and not really seeing much change. But, Jesus is still on the throne. He is working all things for our good. He reigns with unlimited authority and unlimited power. Let’s entrust ourselves to King Jesus.
Category: Studies in Luke
Peace to you…
It is written, not just that Jesus must suffer, die, and rise, but that He may be proclaimed to the whole world! Who is there in your life who does not know Jesus? Go and tell this good news of peace to many that he may be known, enjoyed and praised Kirkcaldy and beyond.
Meeting Jesus…
Jesus loves to strengthen the weak. He walks with them and using the Bible, fortifies their faith. If you’re going through times of distress then know this, Jesus himself will meet with us, not in the pages of an ordinary book, but in the living and powerful Word of God. That’s where we meet Jesus. That’s where we will find what we need, whether we realise it or not.
He is risen!
We are called to be witness that Christ is, indeed, risen. Perhaps we feel we’re unlikely witnesses. Who will listen to us ? And yet we are exactly the people that God has chosen to carry the life-changing news of the resurrection across Fife and beyond. Let’s celebrate the good news: ‘He is not here; he has risen!’ (Luke 24:6)
Salvation, faith and devotion
What a great salvation was achieved for us on the cross by Jesus. He opened the way for us to know God and we are called to respond by faith and to carefully keep his commands in faithful love to him.
Two criminals
The penitent criminal ask to be ‘remembered’. To be saved in the life to come. And what does he get? Much more! He receives a promise of eternal life that day. Have you done that? In short, have you turned from sin and stopped trusting yourself? Have you trusted in King Jesus?
The path to forgiveness
Given that there was a path of forgiveness for even the very soldiers who executed Jesus, then God will be willing to forgive you your sins if and only if you turn from your sins and ask for his forgiveness, based on what Jesus has done on the cross.
Miscarriage of justice
Jesus, an innocent man, was condemned to a cruel death, and a murdering rebel was released.< br>
We’re forgiven because he was condemned.< br>
We’re accepted because he was rejected. < br>
And we live forever because he died for our sins.
Betrayal, tears and promises
Jesus, an innocent man, was condemned to a cruel death, and a murdering rebel was released.
We’re forgiven because he was condemned.
We’re accepted because he was rejected.
And we live forever because he died for our sins.
The only way…
Apart from Christ’s sacrifice, there was no other way for human beings to be saved from Hell. There were no other options. No other religion could save us; only the blood of Jesus can save, and not our own efforts. We cannot be saved by trying our best to please God.